Podtrac Dashboard reports provide Global Downloads by Episode, Country and Client (source application) which you can view on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual basis. Download data includes both full downloads (i.e. when the listener requests to download the file to their device) and progressive downloads (i.e. when the audio is "streamed" to the listener). See sample Episode, Country and Client report excerpts below.
Global Downloads by Episode
Global Downloads by Country
Global Downloads by Client
In addition, Podtrac provides Global and US Unique Monthly Audience (UMA) for any podcast with Global UMA of at least 1,000. Unique Monthly Audience is the count of individuals who downloaded a podcast (across all episodes) in a given month. For example, if a user downloads four episodes of a show in one month they are just counted one time in UMA whereas they are counted four times in Downloads.
For more information on how Podtrac measures podcasts, download our Measurement Methodology white paper.