If you self-host or use a hosting platform that allows you to directly edit your podcast's RSS feed, then follow these steps  to implement the Podtrac Prefix (redirect) in your feed.

1 - Select the Right Podtrac Prefix

For all mp3 episodes, use this prefix:   https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/

The Podtrac Prefix works for virtually any file format. If your episode is not in mp3 format, simply change the extension on the Podtrac Prefix to match your episode (.m4a or .mv4 for example).

2 - Add the Podtrac Prefix to your RSS Feed

The <enclosure> tag of your RSS feed is how you tell your feed where to find your actual podcast media files. To use Podtrac Measurement, that tag needs to first redirect your listener through Podtrac's server before (instantaneously) sending them on to where your file is hosted.


You need to use the Podtrac Prefix (see Step 1) in your RSS <enclosure> tags every time you publish a new episode.  Here is how that works:

If your episode's <enclosure> tag in your RSS feed would normally be:

<enclosure url="https://www.mysite.com/ep051215.mp3"/>

...then use this tag instead:

<enclosure url="https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/www.mysite.com/ep051215.mp3"/>

Note: Be sure you add the Podtrac Prefix to the podcast episode files (enclosure urls) in your RSS feed, NOT to your podcast’s RSS feed URL itself. Also, please note the removal of the extra "https://" in the middle of the resulting episode URL.

Check your RSS feed to ensure it’s valid, and that the Podtrac Prefix appears on your episode URLs. Here’s a tool you can use:  https://castfeedvalidator.com

That's it!

See also:  

Tracking Podcast LIstens on Your Website 

Other Places to Implement the Podtrac Prefix